After the 2009 earthquake in L’Aquila (Italy). Inter Campus implemented football activities with the children living in the tent camps and moreover some specific Summer Camps, continued until the year 2014. Inter Campus official opening in Italy is held in 2011, inaugurating the first program in Milan together with Ceas – Social Center of Solidarity Onlus, in collaboration with the Fondazione Casa della Carità  (House of Charity Foundation), chaired by Don Virginio Colmegna.

Since 2012 Inter Campus works together with Maria Letizia Verga Centre, within the Oncohaematology Department of Pediatric Hospital in Monza (Italy), with initiatives aimed to highlight the important significance of Sport in the recovery from childhood leukemia and lymphomas. The “better healing through Games” program involves girls and boys recovering from leukemia through playing sessions on the field. Each activity is planned by integrating the skills both of Inter Campus and of the medical staff, and by creating a specific formula for young participants.

Since 2017 Inter Campus participates in the “Sport Therapy” program, a project also born in collaboration with the Maria Letizia Verga Committee and the University of Milan Bicocca, plans weekly training sessions with children and young people since their first hospitalization. The activities are held inside the gym, in the the day-hospital rooms, inside the haematology department, even in the isolation rooms of the “bone marrow transplant centre”. The sport path is  arranged  alongside the therapeutic one, in order to counteract the side-effects of medical treatments, so helping the physical and psycho-social recovery of young patients

Since 2018 Inter Campus collaborates with the “WeYolk” Association in two types of activities: the first one is held all the year round in the  Torpignattara  (suburb of Rome) schools where our partner operates in favour of girls and boys coming from Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Egypt, Tunisia, Eastern Europe, South America.  The second activity, which is held just in the summer-time, implements a one-week Camp run by Inter Campus coaches also offering training courses for local operators with whom we remain in constant contact.

The “Gioco al Centro – parchi giochi per tutti” (Game in the middle – playgrounds for all) project – was founded in 2018 by Fondazione di Comunità Milano (Milan Community Foundation) and sponsored by the Municipality of Milan in 9 districts of the town with the aim of creating accessible areas with rides’ facilities and inclusive games inside the public parks. The design of each playground involved both the City Council and the Associations delegated to the Permanent Table Disability. Inter Campus, which is focused on the right to play, also for girls and boys with disabilities, willingly participated in this  important project and was glad to have brought its international experience within its city of origin, being also involved in the initiatives organized in occasion of the nine inclusive-parks’ Opening in Milan, which ended in 2023.

From 2019 to 2023 Inter Campus has worked together with the “L’abilità Onlus”, through a field activity for girls and boys with different intellectual disabilities, capable enough to participate in the game activities prepared by our technical staff together with the Milan pedagogists’ Association members

In 2020 Inter Campus – together with the Inter Youth Sector coaches and with the CSI (Italian Sport Centre) educators- took part in the #EstatePopolare (people’s summer) Project, conceived by the Milan Municipality: a “widespread summer center” moving and working -for the first time- directly where people live, in the courtyards of Social Housings owned by MM and Aler (Public bodies) in the southern suburbs of Milan.

In 2021 and 2022 Inter Campus joined the “Show Racism the Red Card” initiative, promoted and co-financed by the European Union, through the EFDN network, with the aim of fighting any form of discrimination and enhancing diversity through educational paths in schools as well as trainings on the fields. The campaign was aimed at tackling discrimination in football, by promoting the positive values of sports.







Responsible Italy Chiara Brambilla
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Inter Campus

07.09.2013 / 11.41


Week-long day camp with Inter Campus trainers for boys and girls from the areas…

Inter Campus

18.12.2012 / 06.38

Inter Campus: Xmas party with CeAS kids

Plenty of Christmas cheer at the Parco Lambro despite the cold

Inter Campus

23.10.2012 / 02.00

Inter Campus: restarting with the CeAS youngsters

Training began a few days ago at the Don Colmegna centre in the Parco Lambro in…


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