
Inter Campus Bolivia was founded in 2008 in collaboration with Fundación Casari that is housed in the tough neighborhood of Ticti Norte in Cochabamba with its Educational and Recreational Centre.
Th project involves 200 kids aged 6 to 13 and the objective of the joint intervention is supporting education, social inclusion and human promotion of children living in suburbs, alongside with the pedagogical-sport training of the local coaches.
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Inter Campus 13.04.2015 / 10.40 VIDEO DIARY FROM BOLIVIAThe uplands of Bolivia are coloured black and blue thanks to Inter Campus |
Inter Campus 13.03.2015 / 10.39 INTER CAMPUS AT 10,000 FEET IN BOLIVIAThe project continues to go from strength to strength thanks to collaboration … |
Inter Campus 24.10.2014 / 03.24 WORLD OF THE COCHABAMBA CHILDRENVideo of latest Inter Campus visit to Bolivia, with children of Ticti Norte … |
Stories from Bolivia
Bolivia/Paraguay (February 2009) – New addition to the family

by Nicoletta Flutti