23.11.2020 / 11.52 LELE ADANI IN INTER CAMPUS INTERVIEW: “FOOTBALL …Former Nerazzurri defender will go live on Instagram, promoting his inspiring visions of … |
20.11.2020 / 11.50 WORLD CHILDREN’S DAYInter celebrate and defend today, like every day, children’s rights all over the world |
16.11.2020 / 12.00 INTER CAMPUS AND THE UEFA FOUNDATION CONTINUE THEIR …Angola, Cameroon, Congo and Uganda: the team is ready to develop resilience |
13.11.2020 / 12.25 THE CONFLICTS AND DOUBTS OF AN INTER CAMPUS COACHNelson’s frank and sincere comments about the disillusionment and hope felt by many coaches… |
10.11.2020 / 11.19 INTER CAMPUS AT THE UNITED NATIONSRedefining the cooperation on sport and disabilities: together with experts to guarantee … |
06.11.2020 / 09.00 TOGETHER, WE’LL ALWAYS WINConnected from 19 different countries, people got together in their hundreds to support Inter… |
29.10.2020 / 08.56 BIKING FROM SAN SIRO THROUGH ITALY: 1,300KM COVEREDJust a few days left to donate to Enzo’s campaign to support Inter Campus Bolivia |
26.10.2020 / 11.16 COUNTRY FOCUS: INTER CAMPUS THROUGH THE EYES OF ITS …We hear from Sister Honoria, partner at our Havana site, on the story of the project in … |
23.10.2020 / 10.44 INTER CAMPUS AND MILAN’S PLAYGROUNDSCheck out the video that looks back on the inauguration of an accessible playground at the … |
19.10.2020 / 10.42 INTER CAMPUS BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, OUR ACTIVITIES …With our activities having resumed in Domanovici and Sarajevo, the children are able to … |
15.10.2020 / 03.34 INTER CAMPUS FOR DIVERSITY, UNITED AGAINST RACISMChelsea, Werder Bremen and Benfica: these are just some of the clubs that are participating … |
12.10.2020 / 10.31 INTER CAMPUS INVOLVED IN #MORETHANFOOTBALL ACTION …Yesterday marked the end of the campaign supported by the UEFA Foundation for Children, ECA … |