Lubumbashi, capital of the south-east region of Haut-Katanga, is an important economic centre in DR Congo. The wealth of natural resources comes from the presence of copper, cobalt, zinc and coal in the soil. Despite its abundant natural resources, this natural wealth is enjoyed by few in this disadvantaged part of the world with children frequently among the most vulnerable as they so often are. The situations and difficulties faced by the children vary greatly from person to person.

The Inter Campus Congo project in Lumbumbashi aims to help people in different situations through the primary school Jemaa Yetu in the rural village of Cawama, the Bumi and Bakanja Centres which offer help to boys and girls off the street who’ve been abandoned by families who can no longer support them and GoKong where the project supports a school linked to a farm.

It’s a case of diversity but not fragmentation. Thanks to the work of our local partner Alba Onlus Associazione Laica Bambini Africani whose local director Gabriele Salmi coordinates and organises the situation brilliantly. The result is a project that has its own logic, cohesion and way of working and beauty from the diversity of its make-up. Beyond the cobalt, zinc, coal and copper in Lubumbashi, there is an extra source of wealth: the Inter Campus centres.
