MILAN – The Centro Ambrosiano di Solidarietà Onlus is in a state of emergency following the recent flooding of the river Lambro. 80 centimetres of water and mud have severely damaged the centre that hosts 73 people, including children who are part of the Inter Campus project, single mothers, adults with mental health problems, former drug addicts and Roma families.

The CeAS is currently unusable and aid is urgently needed. Don Colmegna, who runs the centre, is calling all on all Interisti for help.

Weather conditions permitting, volunteers will be welcomed to the CeAS in Via Marotta, Milan tomorrow to shovel, clean and get the place back in order.
For further information, you can contact Francesco Casali on (+39) 393.9015594.

If you wish to make a donation, these are the bank details:

Account: CeAS Centro Ambrosiano di Solidarietà ONLUS
Bank: Banca Prossima
IBAN: IT08R0335901600100000000470
Reason for payment: ‘Esondazione Lambro 2014’




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