Budapest – Located in the hills of northwest Budapest, the Ceppsko Orphanage is a government facility that has been collaborating with Inter Campus for over ten years now and is where about thirty children are involved with the project’s sports and educational activities. This is primarily made possible thanks to the association “Love is the Answer”, our local partner, whose excellent relations with the Hungarian orphanage allows us to carry out training at least two times a week.

Unfortunately, during these recent months of the pandemic, the activities have gone through quite a few hiccups (as a government structure involving minors, the restrictions have been quite strict). The most recent, and we hope final restart, took place last week. And there were many messages of enthusiasm and satisfaction from the local staff and orphanage operators for the restart. The director of the orphanage himself confirmed to us that “for the proper development of the children, it is essential and necessary to continue this work regularly, which is a long journey, but over the years it has given us such great satisfaction”.
