MILAN – Inclusive football, football for everyone, even children with autism, Down’s syndrome or hyperactivity can now, thanks to an ad hoc study undertaken by ONLUS – our partners since 2018, play football. It’s an activity allows them to have a certain amount of social inclusion in a sport, which many kids, even those without a disability, practice on a daily basis and with whom they can develop a relationship as playmates and friends.

The methodology is a synthesis. On the one hand, the augmentative reality helps children to communicate, understand, express their own emotions and feelings and provides indispensable rules to acquire the competencies required to play and have fun. On the other hand, the Inter Campus method is carried out through a series of instructions in succession: the individual presentation of what each child’s day will hold in circle time via poster, taking position in the waiting squares, the practical demonstration carried out by the coaches accompanied by the verbal one and then, finally, it is the turn of the children who, one at a time, experience the various playful activities, from the courses to target shooting, expressing themselves and their emotions. These emotions are then reported at the end of the activities as the kids recount what the game meant to them.

A profound moment where self-esteem can be fostered and where the awareness of one’s own abilities can be a springboard for self-confidence.
