MILAN – Inter Campus Poland hosted the first Inter Campus European Tournament in Krakow last weekend. The event involved 150 children aged 11-14 from the project’s centres in Bosnia, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

With the organisational support of Laura Moretti and Paola Amorese, and the technical support of Aldo Montinaro and Fabrizio Piccareta, the tournament (won by Inter Campus Bosnia) took place in an atmosphere of enthusiasm and integration between children who had never previously travelled outside their own countries.

Other events were organised around the tournament. Representatives from each country visited Krakow’s historic centre, took part in a debate about the Inter Campus documentary preview clip by Gabriele Salvatores and Red House Productions, and held a party for all the tournament participants.

Inter Campus wishes to thank the families of the parish of S.Jadwiga for hosting the children, and the Polish organisers led by local coordinator Olek Kawiorski.
