The project has lasted two years and finally, after many video calls from remote locations, representatives from Inter Campus projects in Angola, Cameroon, Congo and Uganda met in person. They spent a week in Yaounde discussing resilience issues including optimism, adaptability, emotional responsiveness, confidence and motivation.

Over the past 24 months, guided by the Inter Campus staff, they have studied these issues and transformed them into practical activities to be used on the pitch for the children’s benefit. Thereby, training sessions are increasingly transformed into fundamental moments of growth in the development of the boys’ and girls’ personalities, who live in very difficult situations of suffering, violence or abandonment, on a daily basis.

To support this, a double research activity was carried out on a sample of 160 children in order to evaluate, with local coaches, the real change in line with the parameters, measured at the beginning and end of the project. In the coming weeks, reports and analysis will be written up.
