They may be in different fields, but Inter Campus and MP Filtri have the same vision, as shown by reaching the milestone of five years together in which sporting values have been constantly championed. This is the secret behind a successful partnership between the club’s social project and the company from Pessano con Bornago, a town near Milan. A global outlook, treating human capital as the key to success, devotion to and care for others are the principles upon which our roots are built.
The story of MP Filtri, which started out as a small workshop before becoming a market leader globally, is told in the book “Piccoli Filtri Grandi Sfide” (little filters, big challenges), written by Mauro Castelli and published by Gruppo24Ore. It has matured responsibly, just as we would wish for our children, communities and coaches, which is also what we see at Inter Campus. This is why when you flick through the pages, there is an overlap between the stories with an element of irony, on a journey of images, anecdotes and similarities. Find out more on Instagram and Facebook.
