True to our Brothers of the World motto, in recent years Inter Club members have supported Inter Campus projects in Brazil, Romania, Angola and most recently Bolivia.

This year, Inter Club members had the choice between Paraguay, Poland and Bulgaria for the Inter Campus project to donate their subscription fee to.

Paraguay was the runaway winner with over 60% of the votes cast, followed by Poland on 22% and Bulgaria on 17%.

Launched in 2008, Inter Campus Paraguay is based in the capital city of Asuncion, where it works with a local partner to help 250 young boys and girls. The main aim of the project is to support social integration and restore recreational areas of young people living in Cateura, which is dominated by a large rubbish dump. The initiative also works with a number of local orphans and children that have been abandoned.

Once again this year, the passion and solidarity of Inter fans means that more children will see their right to play protected.
