[Growing up with Inter Campus in Hungary]

During our visit to Hungary, 100 euphoric children recently received their new shirts for this season. Inter Campus project activities have been ongoing in this country since 2010, working together with our local partner ‘Love is the answer’. These occur within the Cseppkő orphanage in Budapest as well as at a second project in the small village of Szendrolad, situated a few kilometres away from the Slovakian border. Deviance prevention, education and social inclusion are our main objectives within a country where the Romani population is large.

Among the Hungarian hills close to the Slovakian border, the population of the small village is mostly Romani. From 2010 onwards, Christof, Istvan and Gergo have constantly taken part in the Inter Campus project. The eldest child, aged 14, has decided to start a training course and is assisting local coaches Gabor, Tamas and Jouti. The second child, Istvan, started with us when he just seven and this year will now be his sixth and final one. Today, he is helping the youngest sibling Gergo now wear his first ever Nerazzurri shirt.

The project in the capital is linked to the Cseppkő care home, which guarantees the inclusion of over 150 children and adolescents from disadvantaged backgrounds. Here we are now welcoming two new teachers-coaches, Balint and Balling. They’ve both already been coached by Lorenzo Forneris and Dario Tripol from Inter Campus and are now ready to start educating the children on the basics of how to play with the ball.

Bence began with us back in 2010 when he was just six-years-old. After seven straight years with the project, this will now be his last with Inter Campus. We have known him since he was a little rebel and now he loves English and playing football.
